The Fine Print

Automatic Renewal FAQ

What is BAM’s Automatic Renewal Program?

Enroll in our Automatic Renewal Program and your credit card information will be stored in a secure database and charged annually to renew your membership. By enrolling, you’re guaranteeing that your membership never lapses—and that you won’t miss out on your BAM member benefits. You’re also helping to save our resources and lessen our environmental impact by reducing the number of paper notices we send. Save time and enjoy uninterrupted benefits—and don’t worry, we’ll send you a reminder before we charge your card.

How do I enroll in BAM’s Automatic Renewal Program?

Simply check the box indicating your enrollment when you are purchasing your membership.

Can I sign up for Automatic Renewal if I’m not renewing my membership at the same time?

Yes! Just contact us at or 718.636.4194.

Why isn’t Automatic Renewal an option when I renew online?

Memberships expiring within five days of the date of renewal are not eligible for online enrollment. Contact us at or 718.636.4194 and we’ll take care of it.

What if I change my mind?

If you wish to opt out of Automatic Renewal, you can simply contact the BAM Membership office at any time prior to your current membership expiration date.

To learn more about membership options and benefits, visit