Set in Chile in 1973, this vivid coming-of-age story follows two boys who forge an unlikely friendship amid violent political turmoil.

The cinema of Latin America has experienced a remarkable renaissance in the 21st century, becoming a dynamic hub of international film and launching the careers of countless talented directors. Cinema Tropical, the leading US promoter of Latin American film, honors this legacy by celebrating the 20th anniversary of three landmark works: Machuca by Andrés Wood (Chile), Whisky by Juan Pablo Rebella and Pablo Stoll (Uruguay), and Duck Season by Fernando Eimbcke (Mexico). BAM is thrilled to screen a few of the groundbreaking films that have helped shape Latin America’s vibrant cinematic voice.
Tickets for Machuca are on sale now. Tickets for Whisky and Duck Season will be available soon.
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BAM Access Programs provided by
the Jerome L. Greene Foundation
Leadership support for
BAM programming provided by:
Leadership support for
BAM’s strategic initiatives provided by:
Leadership support for
BAM Film provided by
The Thompson Family Foundation
Major support for programs in
the Lepercq Cinema is provided by
The Lepercq Charitable Foundation