A limited number of seats to the sold-out performances of A Streetcar Named Desire are available to BAM Patrons ($2,000+). Please email PatronServices@BAM.org for more information.


BAM Fisher

BAM's latest addition, the BAM Fisher, is a dynamic, flexible space for new programs, Brooklyn artists, and the community.


We are unable to process rental requests for the foreseeable future. If the situation changes, we will update this page. We appreciate your patience and understanding..

The newest home for adventurous artists, audiences, and ideas

Opened in September 2012, the BAM Fisher is a new facility designed for LEED Gold certification and located at 321 Ashland Place—around the corner from BAM’s Peter Jay Sharp Building. Part of a new model for the 21st-century arts center, the BAM Fisher offers affordable ticket prices, subsidized rehearsal and performance spaces, and an expanded roster of humanities, education, and family programming. The BAM Fisher is a place where artists and community come together—and you, the adventurous audience, are an active participant.

Named in honor of longtime friend and former BAM Endowment Trust Chairman Richard B. Fisher (1936—2004), the BAM Fisher serves as the cornerstone of BAM’s 150th anniversary celebration and a commitment to BAM’s future. The building features several spaces:

  • Fishman Space, a 250-seat theater
  • Hillman Studio, a rehearsal and performance space
  • Leavitt Workshop, a classroom
  • Scripps Stage, in the Fishman Space
  • Stutz Gardens, on the BAM Fisher Rooftop Terrace 
  • Sharp Lobby, an exhibition space

The BAM Fisher is accepting rental inquires for its various spaces.  See Rent BAM for more information.

Professional Development Program

The BAM Fisher is the home of the BAM Professional Development Program (BAM PDP). In partnership with the DeVos Institute of Arts Management, the BAM PDP provides professional development training and deeply discounted subsidized theater and rehearsal studio rental to a selection of nonprofit Brooklyn arts organizations. The program supplies these organizations with the proper tools to expand their skill base, increase their institutional capacity, and build the necessary foundation for long-term success, culminating with a self-funded production in the Fishman Space.

BAM Fisher in the News

New Arts Space to Open in Fort Greene, Brooklyn

Fort Greene-Clinton Hill Patch
An Arts Room With a View: BAM Fisher Building

New York Times
BAM’s New Hall Offers Flexibility

Wall Street Journal
Staging a Redesign

A Peek at the Progress on BAM’s Fisher Building

New York Post
here's strength in numbers for off-Broadway institutions