A limited number of seats to the sold-out performances of A Streetcar Named Desire are available to BAM Patrons ($2,000+). Please email PatronServices@BAM.org for more information.


BAM Howard Gilman Opera House

BAM's main performance venue is the BAM Howard Gilman Opera House, a breathtaking Beaux Arts space.


The BAM Howard Gilman Opera House is available for rental by commercial and nonprofit groups, as well as community organizations. This space is not open to rental by individuals. Please inquire for rental rates and further information.


The BAM Howard Gilman Opera House makes a stunning first impression on any audience. Designed and built at the turn of the 20th century by architects Herts and Tallant (who were also responsible for the Lyceum and New Amsterdam Theatres), this elegant performance venue has hosted rentals by some of the world's most prestigious artists, including Adele, Rufus Wainwright, Sarah Silverman, New York City Opera, American Ballet Theatre, and Feist.

Blending classic Beaux Arts style with a state-of-the-art sound and lighting system—and an expert production staff—the BAM Howard Gilman Opera House is the perfect setting to make your event a memorable one.

The BAM Howard Gilman Opera House is appropriate for these and other major productions: • Live broadcast, film, or television shoot • concert • comedy • talk • large scale conference and more.


  • - Seating capacity: 2,096
  • - 79 linesets in counterweight fly system
  • - Adjustable orchestra pit, can be lowered for musicians or used to extend stage or audience seating area
  • - Green room and dressing room facilities for up to 75 artists
  • - Full complement of soft goods including black masking, scrims, and cyclorama
  • - Wooden stage floor, trapped, with Marley floor available
  • - Lighting inventory with full complement of lighting instruments
  • - Permanent sound system complete with microphones and playback
  • - Assortment of tables, chairs, lecterns, and platforming (available upon request)
  • - Projection and title equipment in-house
  • - Union labor house
  • - Box office services (required with ticketed rental)
  • - Full technical specifications available upon request